Tuesday, August 31, 2010


By Russell Doolittle

In our world today, we live in a society that is so focused on the Material, how much we make, what we have or not, and who or what we know. There are some of us, however, who look at what we are. We base our relevance and importance on how we live our lives. God has given us all the ability to choose. You can choose what is important to you.

I found religion as a very young man, but went away from it as I entered my teens. God never left me, I left him. About ten years ago, I realized that I wanted to live a life that I could be proud of who I was, and that my family would be proud of who I was. I took that step, and at the end of this time, I realized that I truly had a revelation. God had lead me to this step, and I was open to His word. I spent day and night living the life. All that I have said until this point brings me to this step.

We can choose to live our lives according to what the Bible says, and look at ourselves and our fellow man how God does, as good men and women, with love in our hearts, or we can choose to look at only the material. Ladies and Gentlemen, when I made the choice to follow Jesus’ example, and live my life the way that he did, all the hate that had been a part of who I was disappeared.

I am not perfect, but I can honestly say that I do love my fellow man, and judge them according to how I wish to be judged, by what we do in our daily lives. One does not have to do what I did, but I do believe that in loving your fellow man, you will become fishers of men, and bring His word to all mankind, loving all who you come across.

I happen to be Christian, but this is not a push for a particular religion, but more a push to faith. God loves all his children, and we can too. So, I ask that you judge your men and women by what is inside of them, not by what they do for a living, or how much money they make. In the long run, we will all be better for it.

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