Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Building a Better U - The Power of Forgiveness

During this season of giving, why don't you give yourself one of the most valuable gifts you could ever get... The power of forgiveness! Today, we will discuss how forgiving others can go a long way in helping you set yourself free...
Join Craig DeLuz for Building a Better U (BABU) Radio, where he provides advice to help you address the issues and challenges you face in everyday life. Family, Relationships, Business, Health... you name it. Call in to our live show or email us at and we will answer your questions live on the show.
CLICK HERE to listen in at 5:00 pm (PST)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Building a Better U - Sleeping with the Enemy?

When you argue with you spouse do you feel like you are at war?

How do yo handle conflict in your relationship? Do you have reasonable disagreements or do you have knockdown drag out fights? In this episode we are going to talk about how to have constructive conflict that will build your relationship up instead of tearing it down.

Join Craig DeLuz for Building a Better U (BABU) Radio, where he provides advice to help you address the issues and challenges you face in everyday life. Family, Relationships, Business Health... you name it. Call in to our live show at (347) 826-9116 or email us at and we will answer your questions live on the show.

CLICK HERE to listen.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Daily Inspiration -Thanksgiving Day Eddition

"Lord, 'tis Thy plenty-dropping hand 
That soils my land,
And giv'st me for my bushel sowne
Twice ten for one.
All this, and better, Thous dost send
Me, to this end,
That I should render, for my part,
A thankful heart."

-- Robert Herrick

"To speak gratitude is courteous and pleasant,
to enact gratitude is generous and noble,
but to live gratitude is to touch Heaven."

-- Johannes A Gaertner

"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life.
It turns what we have into enough, and more.
It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order,
confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast,
a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.
Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace
for today and creates a vision for tomorrow."

-- Melody Beattie

Happy Thanksgiving!

Give Thanks!

A Thanksgiving message we all should consider...

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Right Ways to Use Credit Cards this Christmas

A lot of consumers fall in to deep credit card debt right after Christmas. No one can really blame them because indeed, it is easy to lose control in the midst of the crazy holiday's shopping. However, being stuck in debt is a credit card blunder that can cause financial ruin if not rectified early on. But consumers don't have to end this way if they know how to handle their Christmas shopping. Using the right ways to use credit cards this Christmas, consumers can have a wonderful time without the debt.

Shopping at Sales

One way to save money during shopping is by buying items at a discount. During Christmas season, sales and discounts are plenty and this is the right time to buy all the gifts they'll going to give. Sales can be found in the malls, garage sales, thrift shops, and even online.

Setting a Budget

If there is one thing that should be clear during Christmas shopping that is the budget.People must determine early on how much will they be willing to spend on each present. This may depend on the kind of presents they have in mind. Some may come cheap and some expensive. But regardless, people must list everyone that needs gifting and they should write the amount of the corresponding gift.

During shopping, they must stick to their budget and avoid charging unnecessary things. This will cause impulse buying and they would end up regretting this shopping crime later on. By sticking to the list people don't lose the discipline and will to keep away from debt.

Redeeming Points

If a consumer has diligently earned points throughout the year, Christmas would be a good time to redeem them. This can tremendously help in saving for Christmas presents because the rewards may give gift certificates or discounted shopping at select stores. Gift certificates can mean free shopping. In this case no credit cards will be involved thereby saving a consumer from debt. In some cases, prizes can be in forms of items. The consumer has a choice to whether gift the item or save it for himself. Either way, he won't have to use his credit cards to buy gifts.

After the holidays, even if a consumer managed to escape the troubles of deep debt, he would still accumulate some debt from his other charges. The best way to get out of this fast is by paying on time and in bigger amounts. This shall finish off the debt in a short span of time.


Sean Teahan co-founder of Cash Doctors,Australia's preferred short term lender, shares his insights on money matters. Founded in 2005 Cash Doctors has helped thousands of Australians with their fast cash loans but that's just the short term solution. Cash Doctors also help people in the long run by providing budgeting tools, e-books and individually researched articles on money matters and financial tips. The aim is to assist people in achieving instant and long term financial freedom.

Article Source:

Daily Inspiration -November 24, 2010

By Terry Minion -
"Out of clutter, find Simplicity.
From discord, find Harmony.
In the middle of difficulty lies Opportunity."

-- Albert Einstein

Life would not expand if we always got what we wanted. To go even deeper, there wouldn't even be a choice that exists. In order to choose, there must be something to choose from.

The choices don't have to be so even as dark and light, yes and no, but contrast of one thing that doesn't feel as good compared with something that feels better allows expansion as well.

From that then, out of clutter, simplicity is possible and if desired will come. From discord, harmony is a possibility if desired. And, as with opportunity always existing within difficulty, born of the contrast, a desire is born that chooses a preference and makes a decision to focus on this instead of that.

Perhaps then at some point, realizing this, expands into accepting it as it is, as it always has been and that there never need be concern again about the clutter, discord or difficulty, for out of them, we learn to pay attention, make choices that feel better, move toward them, and expand.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Daily Inspiration -November 23, 2010

By Terry Minion -
"The essence of optimism is that it takes no account of the present,
but it is a source of inspiration, of vitality and hope where others
have resigned; it enables a man to hold his head high, to claim the
future for himself and not to abandon it to his enemy."

-- Dietrich Bonhoeffer

"Optimism doesn't wait on facts.
It deals with prospects.
Pessimism is a waste of time."

-- Norman Cousins

No matter how optimistic you think you are, there is probably someone to help you strengthen it. For me, that is my business partner, Ryan Stone.

I've always considered myself an optimist, looking toward a brighter future, but a lot of that was smoke and mirrors for a long time. It was a trained response. You see, I got into sales as a career when I was 22 and then at 25 became a sales manager, so I had to learn to be optimistic, to encourage and to be a leader--or try to be a leader. As a newbie in this field, I studied and studied and read books, listened to records and did everything I could to become an optimistic person and lead accordingly.

As a result of the constant study, (which I have yet to stop over 30 years later) I have to say that I think I succeeded for the most part. But, there are days. . . You probably know what I'm talking about--days when you feel pessimistic and doubtful; days when you just didn't get enough sleep, or feel like you need a vacation from the hustle and bustle of life, you know. . . escape!

I have to admit that I have those days. I am also very pleased that they are few in comparison with my past; however, when they come, sometimes I just need a little help from my friends, you know? Ryan is that. He can turn me back around toot sweet and have me laughing and cashing imaginary checks and what not. I think we do that for each other actually. It seems he gets that way too sometimes, and I help him get back on track.

We all need some friends sometimes. One of the most awesome things we can all do is to surround ourselves with people who, for the most part, are uplifting, optimistic, and encouraging. It can make all the difference, I know it for a fact.

Thanks, Ryan! The best partner I can imagine having. I'm blessed.

This Week on BABU Radio - The Benefits of Being Thankful

Thanksgiving is here again and everyone is talking about all that they have to be thankful for. But did you know that there are actually benefits to being thankful, in and of itself? Discuss this an more during this edition of BABU Radio.

Join Craig DeLuz for Building a Better U (BABU) Radio, where he provides advice to help you address the issues and challenges you face in everyday life. Family, Relationships, Business Health... you name it. Call in to our live show or email us at and we will answer your questions live on the show.

Click Here to listen in live or to download the podcast.


Wednesday, November 24, 2010
5:00 - 5:30 pm (PST)

Call-in number: (347) 826-9116
Text Line: (916) 468-0594

Monday, November 22, 2010

11 Easy Ways to Lose Weight in 2 Weeks

By Jason Oh -

Looking for easy ways to lose weight and in 2 weeks? Below are 11 surefire ways you can do now to lose your weight now-

1. Beware scale obsession - weight should come off slowly - a half pound to one pound a week - as a result of cutting junk calories while fueling your body properly for the next workout and recovery. Think of your body as a high performance engine - raise the octane of the fuel you use and stop filling when the tank is full.

2. To lose weight in 2 weeks, you have to cut down on the junk foods (not completely), stop eating out and drink less sugary drinks, including the diet kinds.

3. Eat more fresh wholesome foods and whole grain products. It's simply the best and loaded with the essential fiber to keep you satisfied longer. The simple rule is, try to get in 2 serves of fruits and 5 serves of veggies a day.

4. Make it a point each day to include a good habit like drinking one less can of coke or eating one more serve of fruit.

5. Eat 6 healthy mini meals a day to keep your stomach satisfied. The key here is eat in controlled portions and never go for that second serve or a super size meal. Stick to the 1 plate rule to keep your calorie intake at bay.

6. Even 'bad foods' can be good, in 'moderation'. The keys are portion size and cooking method. Juicy, tender cuts of steak are fatty, but are fine to eat if you trim the lard before cooking, or grill it so excess fat can drip away. As for easy guideline on portions, always eat less steak than you would chicken.

7. No matter what you've eaten, take note of how your body feels after a meal, rather than how you think you should feel. If you're still hungry later in the day, treat yourself to a piece of sweet in season fruit rather than a sugar filled snack or dessert. Then go ahead and pat yourself on the back.

8. Food is not the enemy. Food powers your brain and your muscles; without it, you'll lose your energy soon. If you missed a midday meal, eat a piece of fresh fruit or a handful of whole wheat crackers before you head for the gym.

9. How many of us slip chips and chocolate into our trolley for emergencies? It's vital to stop buying junk if you want to stop eating junk! Be strong and avoid purchasing extra snacks. You'll notice that both your grocery bill and snacking habits will start decreasing. If the foods aren't there, you can't eat them!

10. Your favorite exercise - only better - daily walker? Seasoned swimmer? You get kudos for your commitment, but you maybe short changing yourself. As you become more accustomed to your favorite activity, you burn fewer calories. This doesn't mean you have to ditch your go to exercise - just mix it up. As your fitness improves, increase the intensity levels to challenge your body (but train with in your limits). Look at jogging 100 yards followed by another hundred yards of walking, rinse and repeat. It's a great way to jolt the body's metabolism.

Alternatively, look at a combination of interval training and strength training like Turbulence Training to get the maximum output from your body - And when combined with good nutrition, it is one of the easy ways to lose weight with.

Ladies, strength training is good for you too - you will not bulk up and with muscles, you will burn more calories.

11. Use your lunch break wisely - spend half your lunch break walking. Taking a midday walk or a run can boost your energy, and reduce stress. Best yet, it gives you more time after work with family or friends.


Article Source:

Daily Inspiration -November 22, 2010

By Terry Minion -
"As long as you think the problem is out there,
that very thought is the problem."

-- Stephen Covey

That which we battle against gets more attention than it deserves and it often wins the battle in that it is expanded without its own effort. We expand it for our attention to it. In that, the battle is won by the problem, disease, situation, relationship, job, whatever.

The problem is not the problem, it is our focus on the problem that is the problem. So, what does that mean? If there is a problem, learn to be grateful for it, bless it, and then turn and focus on the solution. A simpler way to say it is that when you find something you don't want or don't like, then be thankful for that information, turn and focus on what you want or what you would like. It's all the same thing.

So many times, we have an issue and we continually look at that issue and fret or worry about it, see how we can combat it or eradicate it, who else has had the problem and what they did about it, search the Internet for more information about the problem, tell our friends and coworkers about the problem, ask the prayer group to pray about the problem, complain about the problem and even cry about the problem. What is reinforced is the problem. It has grown way out of proportion by now. It is now a much larger problem than it was when it was first presented.

When we understand that the problem is not the real problem, but instead an opportunity to choose what we want, we can learn to get out of that old habit of reinforcing and expanding the problem, and immediately, or very soon, thank the problem for the information, turn and speak of what is wanted. Expand what is wanted. Focus on what is wanted.

If I have ill health and speak of the ill health, research all about the disease and continually expand the importance and presence of the disease, I am expanding the disease. I must thank the disease for the information, turn and focus on my health instead of the disease.

The same is true of losing a job, the state of the economy or whatever has presented itself in our lives that is not what we want. Thanking the problem for the information, and turning toward what we want and giving 100% of our attention to that is the thing that will change everything for us.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Why Do People Start Smoking?

By Aaron Gregory -

There is no other way to say it; smoking is extremely dangerous to health. Although a word of warning is written in each pack of cigarettes, its effect and value to smokers suffered defeat. If only smokers would take a look at the chemicals contained in a cigarette, there are many more toxic ingredients that they don't really know about. These are chemicals known to cause lung cancer and other cancers, along with a range of other life threatening diseases.

Well there are quite a few different reasons that folk go ahead with smoking first cig, which is obviously what gets them started in the first place. When kids are at school they are really inclined to fall for peer pressure because if some other person is doing it, they want to feel cool and slot in and don't want to be picked on.

This is the age in fact where the bulk of people start smoking because this is the first time that they try it, and even if they try smoking first cigarette and feel sick for example and then don't try it again for a while, they are still rather more likely than others to start over for good in the future.

Are Smokers Still Thought Of As Cool?

Another reason that many folks start smoking first cigarette is due to the image that it portrays. A lot of people feel extraordinarily dignified and sophisticated when they're holding a cigarette, while others feel that it gives them that bad boy look and though they are going to be more attractive to girls.

In fact, in studies that have been done, it shows that very few people are actually drawn to the image of somebody smoking and so smoking first cigarette would really not make sense here, unless you go back to the time of the 1950s as an example where it seemed as though pretty much everyone smoked and it was actually the cool thing to do.

Why You should Not Start Smoking - And Why It Is Not Ever too Late To Kick The Smoking Habit

Of course there are tons of different reasons as to the reasons why a person could start smoking, but there are even more as to the reasons why you should stop smoking. Smoke odor is another reason (that's not health related) to quit smoking. When you stop smoking, you'll stop permeating your hair, mouth, clothes, house, and car with the smell of cigarette smoke. There are lots of different ways to stop smoking: Stop smoking hypnosis, wearing a nicotine patch, or blowing through water vapor cigarettes. Which stop smoking method is right for you depends on a variety of factors including your personality and how often you smoke. Which method will make it easiest for you to stop smoking is hard to say - it depends on you, your health, and how often you currently smoke. Generally speaking, the less frequently you smoke, the easier it will be for you to stop smoking all together.

Some people find that gradually lessening the number of cigarettes they smoke each day is an effective approach to quit. However, this strategy does not work for everyone, having to adapt a personal plan to fit your specific needs and requirements can be a big help. A good method to start is thinking about why you want to quit and then writing down all your reasons and options. Stopping smoking requires understanding of your choices and preparation for quitting as it will be more convenient for you to manage quitting, even probably after many unsuccessful attempts.

It is a fact that numerous smokers wish that they didn't started to smoke and that they could give up tomorrow. When quitting, it can be helpful to realize that the first few days are the hardest. So don't give up. Willpower, determination and mindset are the most important aspects when giving up smoking. Take your life back! Deciding to stop smoking must be abrupt and not gradual as some people suggest. Staying smoke free will provide you an entire new perspective of everything, more energy, better appearance, more money in the pocket, and of course, more life to live.


Article Source:

Daily Inspiration -November 21, 2010

By Terry Minion -
"If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door."

-- Milton Berle

I absolutely love this quote by Milton Berle. To me, it speaks of the difference between hoping for an opportunity and expecting one and that difference is everything.

I've known people out of work, lost in transition, hoping for the right opportunity, then hoping for any opportunity, and often the opportunity doesn't come. They cite examples of the economy and its present state of disrepair, along with a long list of reasons and excuses, facts, fantasy and rumor. It's depressing to see. It represents an attitude that is completely build around lack, or what's not right, or what's not right yet. It's an effort in problem solving at best. Days are stacked one on top of another in fear and despair.

I've known people out of work, interested in the transition, expecting the right opportunity, expecting lots of opportunities, and the opportunities come in quantity and quality. These folks cite belief in themselves, excitement for life, a sense of adventure, and confidence in getting what they want and need. It's exciting to watch. It represents an attitude that is build around self-confidence, love of life and a desire to express themselves in what they love doing while being open to new horizons. It is an effort to expand ones self to the fullest. Days are added one unto another as accumulations of experience.

These are highly contrasted situations and I have seen them both and lots of places in between. The main difference in how it all works out comes down to what Milton Berle said jokingly, but so correctly is that if opportunity doesn't know, build a door. How true, how true. Thanks Milt!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

How To Get Your Kids To Organize Their Bedroom

By Marilyn Bohn -

I was not a perfect child by any stretch of the imagination. But one thing I don't remember is my mother having to nag me to organize my room and get rid of clutter. Maybe I just have selective memory.

Now my brother on the other hand is a different story. He was very popular at school. He was into all kinds of sports and student government. But at home he was, how do I put this nicely? He was messy. If there was anyone who needed to get rid of clutter it was him. He didn't leave things around the house but his room was awful and he didn't want to clean it.My mother used to worry that he would be hurt on the football field and the medical people would have to carry him home on a stretcher to his room and she would be mortified that it was so awful.

As an organizing expert I see firsthand the problems between parents and children as they fight over keeping their rooms organized and they insist they have to get rid of clutter. Many times the kids can't see any clutter in their rooms as we as adults do.

It is ineffective to say to a child go and clean your room and get rid of clutter and organize it. Have you tried it? Has it worked? Probably not, not even with older children does that technique work. Here are 8 sensible ideas on how to get your kids to organize their bedroom.

1. Teach the child, no matter the age, what it means to have an organized, clutter free room. Walk around their bedroom with them and look in the drawers, in the closet and under the bed and talk to them about what you expect the room to look like when it is organized. Listen to them about what they think an organized room should look like. Come to an understanding so when you need to tell them to clean or organize their room they will know what it needs to look like when they are done.

For a young child it is never effective to say clean your room. They need specific instructions such as: put your dirty clothes in the hamper, put the books on the book shelf, hang up the clothes on the floor in your closet, and put your toys away. Children can't remember more than one or two instructions at a time and many adults can't either. So the child may need to be given one task to do and then come back to you for another task to do. For older children have them write it down and have them check it off after it is done.

2. Make it easy for a child to stay organized and get rid of clutter.
Provide a waste paper basket in their room for trash. They will be responsible to empty it once a week or when it is full, whichever comes first.

3. For small children have plenty of child friendly containers to separate their toys into. Label the container with a picture or words to help them remember what toy goes where. Get their input as to which bin they want to use for which toy. When you get their opinions they are more likely to cooperate and have a feeling of ownership for things that are theirs. Also it is a great time to teach how to organize and get rid of clutter.

4. Have containers, drawers and closet rods at the child's level so they can use them.

5. Don't cram their closet with clothes they can't wear. In their closet and drawers only keep clothes they can wear. Seasonal clothes should be removed and placed in bins that are labeled and put on top of their closet or in some other room. If you are saving their clothes for another child label the bin with the size of the clothes.

6. Teach children the joy of giving by giving them the opportunity to clean up toys they no longer play with and take them to a local shelter.

7. Put a bookcase in their room for books and teach them how to take care of books. You could keep one shelf free for small toys they use often.

8. Teach children to make their bed every day. When their bed is made their room looks neater and it will encourage them to get rid of clutter and keep their room neat and tidy.Kids can be expected to keep their rooms free of clutter and adults can teach them and encourage them to do so by example and providing them the tools they need.


Marilyn Bohn is the owner of Get it Together Organizing, a business dedicated to developing practical organizing solutions that help individuals and business professionals live clutter-free and productive lives. She is the author of "Go Organize! Conquer Clutter in Three Simple Steps" and is an experienced, enthusiastic public speaker, a member of NAPO (National Association of Professional Organizers) and the author of hundreds of articles covering various organizing topics.

Marilyn takes the often stressful subject of organizing and breaks it down into a simple, easy to understand system. Her methods are both eye-opening and encouraging! She has a passion for helping others reach their personal goals and living a better, clutter-free life!

Marilyn also offers personal, private consulting to assist in organizing. She invites you to visit her website for easy organizing.

Article Source:

Daily Inspiration -November 20, 2010

By Terry Minion -

"All riches have their origin in mind.
Wealth is in ideas--not money."

-- Robert Collier

"Throughout the centuries there were men who took first steps,
down new roads, armed with nothing but their own vision."

-- Ayn Rand

I've been writing about change in the last few pieces, and how those changes--sometimes sudden, sometimes not--affect our lives and work. Hidden inside every problem or seemingly (at first) negative circumstance, lies boundless opportunity, and if we can really come to not just acknowledge this as a possibility or a fact, but as a joyful event that always brings joy, though it may only be a matter of looking for it, there is nothing on earth to stop us.

Even though I know this, I haven't yet reached the joyous expectation phase immediately, but I am getting good at it and will have it mastered soon enough. And, the best way to get good at it, and approach mastery of it is to practice going over the positive aspects of where you are now, and where you want to be, while completely (as much as possible for now) ignoring the situation that is causing the change.

So, today, I was driving on the freeway to an early morning appointment with an existing client and another appointment with another client right afterward. As I'm driving, I'm thinking about the changes happening right now, and I feel myself looking back a bit. . . and all of a sudden, it hit me! Just three years ago, last month, the business that my partner and I have built was just an idea. It was just a thought. It barely existed in my mind as a complete thought. I wasn't sure how it would come together, when or any other material factor. I just wanted it to happen, and the funny part of that is that I wasn't even sure what it was exactly, I just knew approximately what I wanted. It was just an idea.

When I expressed this idea to someone, the ball began to roll without my even realizing it. In fact, within 50 days of sharing the idea, the opportunity presented itself in reality. It took my breath away for a second or two literally, then it began to sink in slowly as a new reality. The business was born. I didn't even have a partner at that time except a name written down in a notebook along with my choices of other key team members I wanted on my team someday. Within 90 days of beginning, my partner came on board. It was just an idea. He was just an idea. It was all just an idea.

As I looked back for just a minute and realized it was just an idea only 3 years ago, I was overcome with the joy of the journey to where it is now, while at the same exact time looking forward with even more joy to where it is going and watching it unfold. Those are the kind of thoughts that are so powerful in helping you turn changing circumstances into boundless joy.

One a side note, be careful when you really decide what you want, because it might go from a thought to a reality much faster than you would have imagined.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Constructive Criticism - How to Give and Receive It

By FerragusLapointe -

We all dream of success in life but unfortunately not everyone can succeed. This is a saying... "Only the fittest will survive". Well, this saying was not just thrown up without a reason. There is a reason behind this statement. But perhaps you are asking... who is the "fittest"?

Well, we all know that life always tosses up a few challenges for all of us every now and then. It doesn't matter what you do, you are going to face many challenges in life. Only those who have the courage to face and break through the challenges will come out as a victor. That is why there is a term like... Only the fittest will survive.

You will receive countless criticisms along the way; some good some bad. What you have to understand about criticisms is that, despite the harshness of words, they were spoken in truth and so it is up to you how to digest it.

Successful people are able to take criticisms and transform them into advantages for them. It is not going to be easy to face the wrath of criticism from others, but if you can take them in your strides, you would become a better each time when you swallow a criticism and devour its full essence.

Different people take criticisms differently. Some grow even stronger with criticisms while others just fall flat. If you want to survive, learn how to take criticisms lightly, no matter how harsh they are. If you are able to do that, you are actually going to benefit from them.

Of course, learning how to accept criticisms lightly is crucial to your success, however, on the other hand, you must also learn how to give constructive criticism.

How to Give Constructive Criticism?

Constructive criticisms should be utilized to transform you; but there are some guidelines that critics should consider before voicing out their own opinions. Follow the following guidelines when giving criticism to others:

1. Do not criticize the person as a person, focus on criticizing hir or her behaviour instead.

2. Focus your criticism on the present situation. Don't bring up the past. Let bygone be bygone and focus on making thing better for the future.

3. Before throwing out your punches or criticisms, try to understand first why you are offering such criticism. What are your bases?

4. Before speaking, take a quick role reversal in your head and deal with the criticism as if you are the one receiving it.

5. Always remember that while you give criticism, you must be prepared to receive it too. If you can't, then you should not criticize others!

6. Before you give criticism, always throw up a few positive aspects of the person first, this can really help take away some of the bitterness.

7. Use the word "I", to emphasize to the person that it is your own opinion.

8. Encourage a two-way dialogue. Don't just firing out all your criticisms at once, ask questions and encourage them to share with you their feelings and opinions. This is the secret to giving constructive criticisms.

If you follow the above guidelines when criticizing others, people will sense that you are actually giving them positive feedbacks and they will appreciate it because they know that you want them to be better.


Article Source:

A Prayer To Heal A Broken Heart - 5 Suggestions

By Marie-Claire Smith -

Love is a bond between two people whose connection lies deep in the hearts of each one. A romantic relationship means so much on so many levels, especially when the other person feels like our soul mate.

Of course, as powerful as the love between two people can be, it is also a very fragile thing. A mistaken action (such as an affair), long-term neglect, or just two people growing in different directions can lead to a breakup.

The aftermath of a difficult breakup almost always means a broken heart for one or both of the people. Whether the relationship was a marriage or just a very serious romance, the pain of a breakup can be unbearable. The pain can come and go as time passes, feeling sharper at some times that at others.

Fortunately, prayer can heal a broken heart. Whether or not you consider yourself religious or spiritual, prayer can have a powerful effect on a person's well-being and healing. Prayer is a very personal thing, but there are some guidelines you can learn for praying to heal a broken heart.

If you are looking for a prayer to heal a broken heart, here are 5 suggestions:

1. Bring into your heart all of the underlying feelings you still have:

Bring into your mind and heart all of the feelings that you harbor inside you about the breakup. By keeping them within your awareness, you can allow the prayer to influence them more.

2. Pray on guidance for what the best next steps are:

Ask God, the Universe, or your higher self (depending upon your belief system) for guidance on what you should do next in order to get over the breakup and heal your broken heart. Then, be inwardly silent so that you can hear the response.

3. Send positive thoughts toward your ex:

Take this opportunity to send warm, positive, and well-wishing thoughts toward your ex. Remember, beneath all of the issues your relationship had, your ex is still a warm, loving person.

4. Pray for your own healing:

Next, be sure to pray for your own healing process to advance even further so that you can get on with the next phase of your life.

5. If you still believe the two of you belong together, pray to make it so:

During your prayer, you may come to the realization that you believe you should still be with your ex. If so, put together a plan to make that happen. And, of course, pray on it.

Take these 5 suggestions for a prayer to heal a broken heart.


Article Source:

Daily Inspiration - November 19, 2010

By Terry Minion -
"Anxiety doesn't attack."

"The components of anxiety, stress, fear, and anger do not exist
independently of you in the world. They simply do not exist
in the physical world, even though we talk about them as if they do."

"Simply put, you believe that things or people make you unhappy,
but this is not accurate. You make yourself unhappy."

-- Dr. Wayne Dyer

We can certainly feel the emotions of anxiety, stress, fear, anger and unhappiness, but many, if not most of us, were taught that there is always something outside of ourselves to blame for this. People say, "it's so stressful at work," or "I don't need this extra stress!" or, "that guy sure knows how to push my buttons," and other such statements. It would seem by those statements that stress is being issued unevenly, or that it is running around looking for a victim to stress-out.

If we really think about these, it is easy to see that they don't really exist except as a response within ourselves to. . . not something or someone else, but from our own thinking. Something is said or experienced and we react to it. Maybe the reaction is automatic since we learned it so long ago, or sometimes we react in a way that we think is appropriate, even though in reality, we may not feel that way at all. For example, maybe someone is crying and showing sadness at a funeral, but they really don't feel that way if it weren't for the people around them expecting them to feel that way. It might be easier to just follow the "rules" though they may not be your own.

The analogy of "pushing my buttons," is a good way to see the action of these emotions, except it isn't someone else pushing our buttons, it is ourselves pushing them. I've said this before, but I used to get angry in traffic and cuss at the people doing stupid things and get all uptight. It didn't help and it didn't serve me. One day, I decided to stop it and just say to myself, "that's an interesting way to do that! I wouldn't have thought of doing it that way." With a bit of practice, I never get upset in traffic anymore. But, it wasn't the other drivers pushing my buttons, it was my reaction (my own emotions from my thinking) to what they did and I became upset (I upset myself). It was a stimulus-response scenario. Maybe I can't change the stimulus, but I know for certain that I can change the response, and I do that by changing my thoughts about it.

This is the way to change anything. Feeling stressful? We can change our thinking and our response the the stimulus that we were previously reacting automatically to. Same applies to anger, anxiety, unhappiness, or any other level of emotion. It may not be the "norm," but I don't need to follow the norm off the cliff, just because they are going that way, do I?

Thursday, November 18, 2010

How Do I Calculate Finance Charges?

By Peter Kenny -

Having some knowledge of how to calculate finance charges is always a good thing. Most lenders, as you know, will do this for you, but it can helpful to be able to check the math yourself. It is important, however, to understand that what is presented here is a basic procedure for calculating finance charges and your lender may be using a more complicated method. There may also be other issues attached with your loan which may affect the charges.

The first thing to understand is that there are two basic parts to a loan. The first issue is called the principal. This is the amount of money that is borrowed. The lender wants to make a profit for his services (lending you the money) and this is called interest. There are many types of interest from simple to variable. This article will examine simple interest calculations.

In simple interest deals, the amount of the interest (expressed as a percentage) does not change over the life of the loan. This is often called flat rate or fixed interest.

The simple interest formula is as follows:
Interest = Principal × Rate × Time

Interest is the total amount of interest paid.

Principal is the amount lent or borrowed.

Rate is the percentage of the principal charged as interest each year.

To do your math, the rate must be expressed as a decimal, so percentages must be divided by 100. For example, if the rate is 18%, then use 18/100 or 0.18 in the formula.

Time is the time in years of the loan.

The simple interest formula is often abbreviated:

I = P R T

Simple interest math problems can be used for borrowing or for lending. The same formulas are used in both cases.

When money is borrowed, the total amount to be paid back equals the principal borrowed plus the interest charge:

Total repayments = principal + interest

Usually the money is paid back in regular installments, either monthly or weekly. To calculate the regular payment amount, you divide the total amount to be repaid by the number of months (or weeks) of the loan.

To convert the loan period, 'T', from years to months, you multiply it by 12. To convert 'T' to weeks, you multiply by 52, since there are 52 weeks in a year.

Here is an example problem to illustrate how this works.


A single mother purchases a used car by obtaining a simple interest loan. The car costs $1500, and the interest rate that she is being charged on the loan is 12%. The car loan is to be paid back in weekly installments over a period of 2 years. Here is how you answer these questions:

1. What is the amount of interest paid over the 2 years?

2. What is the total amount to be paid back?

3. What is the weekly payment amount?

You were given: principal: 'P' = $1500, interest rate: 'R' = 12% = 0.12, repayment time: 'T' = 2 years.

Step 1: Find the amount of interest paid.

Interest: 'I' = PRT

= 1500 × 0.12 × 2

= $360

Step 2: Find the total amount to be paid back.

Total repayments = principal + interest

= $1500 + $360

= $1860

Step 3: Calculate the weekly payment amount.

Weekly payment amount = total repayments divided by loan period, T, in weeks. In this case, $1860 divided by 104 weeks equals $17.88 per week.

Calculating simple finance charges is easy once you have done some practice with the formulas.


Peter Kenny is a writer for The Thrifty Scot, please visit us at Unsecured Loans and Bank Charges.

Article Source:

To Prevent Snoring Try These 3 Simple Tips

By Jon Cielo -

Sleep snoring has been the cause of breakups as well as bad health problems. So you need to take it seriously, it isn't funny, neither for the snorer nor the sleeping partner. To reduce the risk to your health and your relationship you really do need to prevent your snoring. Here you'll discover 3 simple ways to stop snoring at night.

All around the world people struggle trying to cure their snore. On the other hand, some just soldier on unaware that it is a serious problem. But, you know, there's no need to suffer like that. There are many ways to prevent snoring, including home remedies and anti snoring aids. And you don't have to look far to find stop snoring aids that can help. You can get these at the pharmacy or even online.

But there are things you can do even before you go that route. Some simple changes in your routine could help to prevent snoring at night. Here are 3 simple tips to prevent snoring:-

1. Sleep on Your Side

Since snoring is more common in 'back sleepers' it makes sense to try to change to your side. Of course it's hard to do this without help, so you can attach a simple tennis ball to the back of your pajamas to force you onto your side whenever you turn onto your back whilst asleep. You can also buy such aids.

2. No Meals Before Bed

When you have a full stomach the undigested food puts a whole lot of pressure on your diaphragm which helps to restrict your air passageways. This can help to cause snoring. And as it takes several hours to digest food, your last meal should be at least 3 to 3 1/2 hours before bed. The longer the better.

3. No Alcohol Before Bed Either

This is a well-known trigger for snoring as alcohol eventually acts as a depressant. When asleep, under it's influence, your muscles in and around your throat relax even more so that the soft tissue in your airways can move into them, constricting them enough to cause snoring. So, no alcohol within say, 4 hours of going to bed.

There are tons of other things you can do to prevent snoring such as special exercises, herbal remedies, plus, as I said at the start, there are special anti snoring aids like snore pillows, snoring mouthpieces, chin straps, nasal strips, etc. As a last resort of course you have surgery, but this really is just a last resort.

To discover more about how to prevent snoring please now go to and get the facts.

Article Source:

Daily Inspiration - November 18, 2010

By Terry Minion -

"In the measurement world, we set a goal and strive to achieve it. In the universe of possibility, we set the context and let life unfold."

-- B Zander

"There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all."

-- Peter Drucker

"None of our men are "experts." We have most unfortunately found it necessary to get rid of a man as soon as he thinks himself an expert because no one ever considers himself expert if he really knows his job.

A man who knows a job sees so much more to be done than he has done, that he is always pressing forward and never gives up an instant of thought to how good and how efficient he is. Thinking always ahead, thinking always of trying to do more, brings a state of mind in which nothing is impossible.

The moment one gets into the "expert" state of mind, a great number of things become impossible."

-- Henry Ford

Today is the final piece from the talk several days ago. Yesterday I discussed goals and how I've changed my thinking about goals dramatically. Today, I promised to expand on that and how to work with this new type of "goal."

First off, I don't think much of goals any more. I don't think they are motivators and I know that so many people think they are. It's okay to disagree. As I said, I've set hundreds, maybe thousands of goals over the years for myself and teams I've worked with. I've met a lot of goals, even exceeded some, and missed a much larger percentage of them.

Missing the goal is always a downer--and the closer you get to a goal and miss it, the worse that feels. I'll never forget missing a wonderful trip to Japan by missing the sale of two trucks. The goal was 50, and our team hit 48. Of course, 48 was a stupendous achievement considering, but it didn't help much. This is what I mean about goals not helping. The next time they come up, people are less interested, not more interested.

They've gone from a picture on the horizon to an expectation of achievement and a methodology of sorting the herd. I could go on and on with what I've studied and learned and experimented about goals, but suffice to say, I am not longer a fan of typical goals, and especially numeric goals.

One of the world's most celebrated management experts, W. Edwards Deming published his 14 points. It was designed for manufacturing and he was instrumental in helping Japan become a world economic power, but I think they make sense for sales teams, and any business really. In point number 10, he states, "Eliminate slogans, exhortations and targets for the work force." Point number 11 states, "Eliminate numerical quotas."

What you say? Eliminate numerical quotas in manufacturing? Yes. If they can be eliminated there to the benefit of the production, they can easily be eliminated in most other places. Besides, in my own experience, they are not helpful to say it mildly.

So, what to do? I said yesterday that I have now only one goal: to feel good. I am a joy seeker. What brings me joy? A sense of purpose is one, excellence is an other, innovation gets me giddy, laughter softens the sharp edges, effective leadership inspires me, mutual respect is a delight, I am ecstatic with encouragement, excited in enthusiasm, and serving the customer is my mantra.

All of these things are joy creators and all of these things will move the needle whereas numeric goals will not. In fact, numerical quotas are a joke compared to these other qualities, which are business builders. Henry Ford said it well twice: "A business that makes nothing but money is a poor business." and "A business absolutely devoted to service will have only one worry about profits. They will be embarrassingly large."

Deming suggested a few other ways in his points to help this change to success happen: Point number 1: "Create constancy of purpose for the improvement of product and service. and Point number 3: "Cease dependence on mass inspection." and Point number 5: "Improve constantly and forever the system of production and service." and Point number 7: "Institute leadership." and Point number 8: "Drive out fear." along with Point number 9: "Breakdown barriers between staff areas." and the last one I want to mention here: "Remove barriers to pride of workmanship." This last one speaks strongly to feeling good, as do the others.

As people feel good about what they do, where they do it, how they do it, the results of what they do cannot do anything but improve. That, after all, is the whole idea behind goals, isn't it? But, we cannot wait for our bosses, supervisors, spouses or whomever is on the outside of us to get around to learning this, so we do have the power to create all of this ourselves until they finally get it. We need to find ways to feel good ourselves first. The rest will come, or not, and it won't matter for we will have already made it.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Building a Better U - Facebook Etiquette

Are you one of those folks who put people's personal business on their Facebook wall? Do you tag folks in photos when they are looking all tore up? Are the only messages, notes or posts you put on Facebook focussed on promoting yourself and your newest business venture? If any of these descriptions fit you, then you need to listen in as we discuss the do's and don'ts of healthy Facebook interactions.


Join Craig DeLuz for Building a Better U (BABU) Radio, where he provides advice to help you address the issues and challenges you face in everyday life. Family, Relationships, Business Health... you name it. Call in to our live show at (347) 826-9116 or email us at and we will answer your questions live on the show.

Building a Better U - Facebook Etiquette

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

2 Highly Effective Financial Abundance Principles

By Matt Zavadil -

The average person never receives a proper financial education when it comes to succeeding with personal finance. Understanding that, how in the world will you find success when it comes to your own financial abundance when you've never been taught all the correct financial principles?

Whenever you see someone struggling to keep their personal finances together, it's because they haven't followed the steps that lead to success. Don't feel bad if this has just described you and your life to this point. You can turn all this around by simply following the next couple of keys that lead to prosperity. It really isn't all that hard. It just takes a little dedication to your future happiness.

The very first strategy you must understand is the importance of paying yourself first. Don't you always find a way to get your rent or mortgage paid each month? You put food on the table and make sure your kids have clothes to wear, right? But you don't pay yourself first. You must start doing this. Don't make the mistake of counting on your job or the government to help you retire. In this new day and age, most of us are on our own.

So, pay yourself first. Every single month, set aside a part of your income toward your future. Don't use the excuse that you have nothing left to work with. You don't tell your mortgage company this excuse, so why are you telling your future self this?

If things are really tight at the moment, there are companies that will allow you to start investing into an IRA for as little as $25 a month. If things are so tight that even $25 is too much, then you have some serious life choices ahead of you, such as discovering ways to increase your income stream.

You'll also want to put a little away into an emergency account so you can eventually lay off the credit cards. Which leads into the second personal finance rule. Right away, make sure you make getting out of debt a huge priority for yourself. Debt is financial cancer. There's no other way to say it. You must make it a priority to pay off all debts and then stay out of debt.

If you want financial abundance, you need to change your mindset when it comes to debt. Our society has become one that accepts debt without question. This must change for you and fast. It's not all right to go buy that big screen TV on credit just because you don't have the discipline to save for it first.

Think of debt as the way that you rob your future self of life, liberty and happiness. Yes, it's that important. Unless you want to never retire, work until your dying day and become a bitter person looking back, develop a plan to get out of debt today.


Matt Zavadil: Take the two keys to financial success you've just learned and make getting out of debt your top priority at this time in your life. Once you finally get out of debt, then use those old payments to pay yourself first and fund your retirement.

(ArticlesBase SC #3319847)
Article Source: - 2 Highly Effective Financial Abundance Principles

Daily Inspiration - September 22, 2010

By Terry Minion -

"I don't feel old. I don't feel anything till noon. That's when it's time for my nap."

-- Bob Hope

"I'm saving that rocker for the day when I feel as old as I really am."

-- Dwight D Eisenhower

I think age is like any other circumstance or thing on which we place judgment.

Of course, these common things that we say to others and also say to ourselves are really affirmations. You are as old and tired as you decide you're going to be and that is it. Age has nothing to do with it. The mind doesn't age.

I'm a month or so away from 61 years of age and truly I feel 35. I act 35 (only wiser and smarter!). I feel great and I know it is just a decision to feel that way. I just decided many years ago that I wouldn't get any older than 35. I liked 35 and it was a sweet combination of maturity (some) and spunk. I just decided it was me and it still is today.

I remember asking an old man once how old he was in his head. He was 85 if I remember correctly, but he said that he felt 45. He decided the same thing and just chose a different time--and he looked and acted 45 with a few more wrinkles. I've now asked that question to old people many times and the responses are quite telling!

There is no rule that you must act your age, no matter what your mother used to tell you. Make up your own. Keep the one you like best and just live it!

I was in the bank yesterday making a deposit (I like deposits!) and an older lady came in and was walking slowly and uncomfortably. It wasn't busy and she didn't want to walk all the way around through the maze, and asked to come straight to the front and get behind me. I said, "sure. You can get in front of me if you like, I'm not in a hurry." She said, "No, that's okay, I'm just old and didn't want to walk all the way around." I said, "no problem." Then she said, "I'm 71 years old and when you're in your seventies, you have to expect to be tired and have problems." I looked at her and with a smile, replied, "Why?" She looked a bit puzzled because most people I'm sure just agree with her when she says that. Then, she said, "well, I don't know. . ." The conversation was over, but she wasn't getting any of that old and tired stuff from me.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

What Causes A Panic Attack To Occur?

By Elizabeth Hayes -

A panic attack is an intense feeling of foreboding and dread that lasts from a few minutes up to an hour. Typically sufferers can feel confused, fearful and tense, as well as physical symptoms of choking, shortness of breath or dizziness.

Panic attacks have been shown to be hereditary, but there is no significant evidence to show that this is due to genetics. The onset of a panic disorder can occur at any age and to anyone, but it is most likely to develop in women with above average intelligence.

Those who suffer from panic attacks are more likely to have had parents who have expressed a heavily cautious view of the external world. This can lead to physiological problems for the child.

There are also biological triggers – other conditions can leave sufferers more prone to anxiety attacks, most notably post traumatic stress disorder or obsessive compulsive disorder. Even periodic depletion of vitamin B caused by a tapeworm infestation can cause a person to begin experiencing panic attacks.

Some people suffer from these attacks directly associated with exposure to an object or situation they gravely fear. This can be a phobia, but others can suffer from a "situation bound panic attack" – when a person has experienced a panic attack in a certain situation when presented with the same situation again the sufferer can be more likely to experience a similar attack.

These situations for example could include being in a stressful educational environment, a relatively normal work environment where the sufferer needs to appear normal or perform their duties well, or in the case of the military, extreme stress can occur when it comes to re-deployment into the field.

Recent studies point to a lack of assertiveness in panic attack sufferers – their interactions with other people tend be polite, respectful and passive. Whilst this is not a problem in itself, it does pose the possibility of the person feeling unable to voice their views, and therefore a feeling of unimportance and isolation.

A panic attack sufferer can also begin to avoid situations where they fear a panic attack is a possibility, exacerbating the problem of isolation and un-assertive behavior.

Panic attacks can also be brought on by medication such as Ritalin. Usually this is a temporary effect. When a person addicted to alcohol or drugs begins to come off their drug they may experience strong withdrawal effects, which can include panic attacks and anxiety.


Elizabeth Hayes : If you would like to read my article "Symptoms Of A Panic Attack" then click here;  And for more information on panic attacks and anxiety disorders, visit my website at

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Daily Inspiration - September 21, 2010

By Terry Minion -
"He who is of calm and happy nature will hardly feel the pressure of age, but to him who is of an opposite disposition youth and age are equally a burden."

-- Plato

Lighten up!

It's supposed to be fun!

Monday, September 20, 2010

The Real Reasons Why People Are Always Late

By Gian Fiero
I know them. You know them too: People who are always late. It seems like no matter what the situation or event, they just can't seem to be on time. Some use a litany of excuses to justify their chronic tardiness, but the worse offenders are not only comfortable with being consistently late, but expect you to be accepting of their impunctuality as well.

Not only is their behavior selfish, it's also disrespectful.

People who are always late rob us of the most precious and valuable commodity that we own: our time. The time you spend waiting for someone to arrive is time that can be better spent doing a myriad of things; productive things in fact. When you are sitting idle it's because your time is being viewed as less valuable than the time of the person you are waiting for. After all, you are going to be honored with their company, so waiting is a small price (and inconvenience) to pay for such an enormous pleasure, right?

The truth of the matter is, no one - no matter how punctual - is always punctual. This is due to circumstances that can not be controlled such as a massive car pile-up on the freeway, being held hostage during a bank robbery, being stuck on an electric light rail vehicle while commuting during a power outage. Tardiness does happen rarely, not occasionally, to the most punctual of people.

When punctual people are tardy, they have reasons for why they are late; not excuses for why they are never on time. There's a difference. The person who is always late can realistically attribute their irritating impunctuality to one of several causes:

1.) Arriving anywhere on time requires preparation (the process of actually leaving point A), departure (from point A), and travel time, (from point A to point B). It's all geared toward a timely arrival at point B.

The vast majority of people who suffer from chronic tardiness arrive at their destinations late because they fail to properly plan (which also means taking driving /commuting conditions under consideration when estimating travel time), which delays their time of departure; thus making them late.

Not being properly prepared, or experiencing a disruption in the preparation process, results in tardiness as well. Though planning is the solution for many, it gets up-ended when people lack organizational skills.

Just the process of getting ready-to-go requires organization. (People with small children should take heed.) It should be done the night before. Selecting wardrobe and items needed for the following day puts you closer to departure when you wake-up. Failure to do so prolongs the preparation process, and can delay your departure. The end result? You are late - despite driving excessively fast in an attempt to make up for time lost during travel time.

2.) Then there's tardy offender number two. The worst kind. They just don't give a damn about being on time. Many (narcissistic) people like how it feels to have others anxiously awaiting their arrival. It makes them feel special, and in fact, empowered. Some even believe (though most won't admit) that the party (or whatever it is) doesn't start until they arrive.

When others are waiting on them it feeds their ego (or arrogance). This is why many celebrities like to arrive "fashionably late." It's proof positive (for them) that they operate under different guidelines and are not held to the same social standards; therefore, they don't have to extend the same social courtesy.

Ironically, the worst offenders (even celebrities) can, and frequently do, show up to certain appointments on time such as court hearings or airplane flights when required. This suggests that punctuality and priority go hand-in-hand.

Curing the impunctuality of the worst offender is obviously a more daunting task. The thing to remember about people who are always late is that they are well aware of their problem; and their problem is not for you to solve.

What do you do when you find yourself in the undesirable position of repeatedly waiting for someone? Leave. That's right. Set a grace period of say 7-15 minutes, and go back home, to work, or wherever you need to go.

Once you've made it clear that you value your own time - and will not have it wasted - you can restore the balance of respect in your relationship with your impunctual friend, and hopefully, send a clear and loud signal to them that always being late is not cool, and it's not acceptable.

Gian Fiero is a seasoned educator, speaker, and consultant. His clientele spans multiple industries and professional genres. He has also taught at the high school and college levels, and is recognized as a growth expert in his field. Gian has been helping minds and businesses grow for over 20 years.

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Daily Inspiration - September 20, 2010 (Anthony Robins Week)

By Terry Minion -

"As I began to explore the power of vocabulary, I still found myself fighting the idea that something as simplistic as changing the words that we use could ever make such a radical difference in our life experience. But when my study of language intensified, I came across some surprising facts that began to convince me that words absolutely do filter and transform experience."

-- Anthony Robbins
from "Awaken The Giant Within"

Ever really listen to phrases or words that people use regularly? I remember listening to my parents and the phrases they used often. I picked them up and used them habitually myself until I was awakened to the power of those phrases. Many of you may even find some of these that I heard and picked up from your childhoods: When asked how you are doing? I would hear, "fair to midlin." When asked about money, I would hear, "do you think money grows on trees? or "we can't afford that." When asked about the weather, "it's yucky outside." As I look back and remember many of these phrases, I see that the vast majority of them are negative. Much of the focus was on what was wrong, what others were doing to us, and so on.

As I grew older and began really studying personal development, I started thinking about my own word choices, how often I used the f-word and more. Then, I got Awaken the Giant Within and it really opened my eyes to how to change your picture of things by changing your language.

Some of the first things I changed (even if I didn't actually feel it at the moment), was the most common responses, such as, when someone asks you, "how are you?" We know they don't really mean it, but I would shake things up a bit by saying something they didn't expect. I might say, "off-the-chart awesome! How about you?" I would make it extremely positive and put some emotion into it as well. It was fun and I still do it 25 years later, and the main benefit is that I changed and those statements became true.
I began changing other words that I commonly used. Tony has a couple of lists to make choices from to change the whole feeling from negative to positive, from lifeless to exciting and so on. In a chart on page 226, he changes a word confused into curious. I love this one: from pissed off to tinkled. I've used that one many times and especially talking to myself. Or this: from fear to wonderment, frightened to inquiring, frustrated to fascinated, hurt to dinged. Love the last one. Image this: "I'm so mad, she really hurt me" turned to this: "I'm so disenchanted, she really dinged me." It's laughable now. What a difference changing a few words makes to, as Tony calls it, your state, or your point of view.

Some people will think you've lost it. That's okay. It really wasn't worth having to me. Today, the weather is overcast and drizzly. Someone said to me that it was yucky today and I responded that I was excited and was absolutely loving this change. They stopped talking. What they wanted was agreement, but I cannot oblige them, or I would be back in that old way of thinking.

When people say that we don't create our own world, I have to heartily disagree. We do and we do it every minute of every day in some of the most taken for granted kind of ways using our habitual language and habitual thinking. What is really awesome to me about that realization is that if someone wants to change their world, it is so easy to do and changing some of the language we use will help begin the process. Try it for a week and see for yourself.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Daily Inspiration - September 16, 2010 (Anthony Robbins Week)

By Terry Minion -
"What we can or cannot do, what we consider possible or impossible, rarely a function of our true capability. It is more likely a function of our beliefs about who we are."

"You see, it's never the environment; it's never the events of our lives, but the meaning we attach to the events--how we interpret them--that shapes who we are today and who we'll become tomorrow."

-- Anthony Robbins

The more I study and experience, the more it comes back to me that everything we experience and draw to ourselves comes from thought and what we believe, which is just a thought we keep thinking.

People can do the most amazing things when they believe they can--even if it is only an imagined belief or a temporary belief. I didn't really believe that I could walk on hot coals bare footed and not get burned, but I had a imagined belief and a temporary belief through suggestion and training. Now, I don't need the temporary any more, I believe, because I experienced it.

It is absolutely amazing what can be done with thinking it can be done and focusing on the imagination of having already achieved it. The greatest golfers and other athletes visualize their success prior to participating in the event itself. We can do the same, yet most of us rarely, if ever, make deliberate use of it. Many of us, instead, seek answers in the environment, events, authority; you know--reality. Yet it is the imagination that will help the most in making a change.

We do this all the time now. It's just that the imagination is used too often to imagine the worst, to build on the problem by focusing on it and continuing to speak of it or them. If we want to turn this around, we just use the same tools, but with a different perspective.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

More old fashioned marriage: Keeping it Together

By Joseph Phillips-

Fourteen years of marriage! Even when I really take the time to study it, I have no clear answer as to how we made it this far. I have asked my wife and frankly, I don't care for the way she laughs before answering me. After all is said and done, she is no clearer on how or why we are approaching our ivory anniversary than I am.

How odd that I seem preoccupied with discovering the source of our longevity. Perhaps I should stop asking questions and thank my maker; the less I know the better. However, I can't help but wonder. We hear so often about the divorce rate and marriages. The streets of Los Angeles are littered with marriages that went stale at about the same time as the wedding cake. All of us know couples that did not make it this far. We are friendly with couples that may not make it much further.

I recently came across a bit of research that may shed some light on at least one road to marriage success.

Bradford Wilcox, a sociology professor at the University of Virginia, analyzed three national studies and concluded that couples who attended regular Christian church services were "35% less likely to divorce than those couples who did not." Not only do couples stay together longer, it also appears as if they are engaged in happier and healthier marriages. In addition, men attending regular church services are more active in the lives of their children than are men who are not. Wilcox does not comment on those Jewish couples or Muslim couples that attend regular services. I suspect, however, that the results may be similar.

Ultimately, marriage must be more than a mere social contract, more than a vehicle for the purpose of coupling and more than a simple expression of the natural affection that a man and woman may feel for each other. Lust is an intoxicating asset, but will never be enough to carry a couple through the tough times. The couples I know that have long lasting marriages are committed to an idea of the marriage union as representing an institution greater than the sum of its parts. For these couples, to marry is to dedicate one's life to a higher calling. Similar viewpoints are far more likely to be held by people of strong religious faith.

Of course, to paraphrase a popular saying, stuff happens. Two grown people living together, bringing with them all of their childhood baggage and disparate personalities attempting to merge two lives into one is difficult. And this before outside influences like money problems, sickness or unemployment. My marriage has certainly been no exception.

My wife and I have been around the corner and back again. Our marriage has at times resembled something from a Wes Craven film; call it "Nightmare on Elm Street." Happily, both my wife and I can point to the exact moment the rough road of our marriage began to smooth out; we began attending church services every Sunday. Soon afterwards, we both gave our lives to Christ. That was the turning point.

Our marriage is by no means perfect. I am certain my wife will confess that I continue to occasionally get on her last nerve. We are, however, more in love than ever and most importantly more committed than ever; 14 years in and eagerly looking forward to the next 14.

Like most couples, we married with hopes that it would be forever. Like other newlyweds, we began to build a family weaving our hopes and dreams together into an epic narrative. No doubt this is why most of the divorced couples I have known - my parents included -- suffered mightily during their break-up. Dreams and hopes do not die easily. When it seems that in spite of our best efforts we will fall short, we despair.

Faith is not a panacea. A 35% lower rate of divorce does not mean no chance of divorce. It does, however, suggest there is truth in the old adage that in navigating the trials that are inevitable with marriage; "the family that prays together stays together."

*Republished from 2008

Daily Inspiration - September 16, 2010

By Terry Minion

"Stay committed to your decisions, but stay flexible in your approach."

"There is no such thing as failure. There are only results."

-- Anthony Robbins

I think I have truly learned the lesson that there is no such thing as failure, only a result. I read about Edison and many others who essentially failed their way to success. I'm currently reading an excellent book (hard to put down) of someone else who failed his way to success and he's young and still has a many more in him I'm sure. The man is Tony Hsieh, CEO of, and the book is Delivering Happiness - A Path To Profits, Passion, and Purpose. I love reading stories like that--and there are tens of thousands of them.

Another lesson learned is to stay committed to the project, goal, idea, and stay flexible on how it will get done. I know in our Upward Trend business, we've stayed with the overall objective, but we have modified the path to fulfillment several times and most recently completely redesigned the business toward that end. That same "success story" is told in hundreds of books I've read of people like Conrad Hilton, Andrew Carnegie, Harvey Firestone, Alfred Sloan, Thomas Edison and the list goes on and on.

There's two other words for this: Tenacity and Resiliance. Considering the company I mentioned, it has got to be a very successful strategy.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

To drink or not to drink? That is the question.

By Craig DeLuz

One of the most controversial and misunderstood issues in the church is whether or not it is a sin to drink alcohol.

Here we review what the Bible says about the consumption of alcohol and how you can decide whether or not it's ok for you.

(Click Here To Listen)

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Are You Walking Funny?

By Craig DeLuz

"If you are going to talk the talk, you should walk the walk."

How often do we question those who's deeds are inconsistent with the values they proclaim to hold? Here we will help you answer this key question, "Are you walking funny?

Click Here To Listen

Daily Inspiration - August 31, 2010

By Terry Minion

"For a long time it had seemed to me that life was about to begin--real life.

But there was always some obstacle in the way, something to be gotten through first, some unfinished business, time still to be served, a debt to be paid. Then life would begin.

At last it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life."

-- Father Alfred D'Souza

We can focus on the obstacles and the fear surrounding them and what may or may not be behinds the scenes just waiting to jump out and attack us, harass us, mingle unnecessarily with us, block us or delay us. There certainly is plenty of this to look at, if we were of a mind to look at them in that way.

Then again, we could see the journey before us as an adventure with all good things coming to us, with the forest to keep the sun off of us yet let the light come through. We could see so many interesting places to stop along the way and take in the view. We could see the light ahead giving us guidance and also a path. That path is not worn, though we can see others have travelled through as well, giving us confidence of others successful journey and indeed, there will be stories to tell, for not so many have gone this way making it a guaranteed adventure.

It is the focus on the journey that is the deciding factor, isn't it? Focus on the obstacles and they will rule you. Focus on the reward, the journey, the adventure and they will delight you.


By Russell Doolittle

In our world today, we live in a society that is so focused on the Material, how much we make, what we have or not, and who or what we know. There are some of us, however, who look at what we are. We base our relevance and importance on how we live our lives. God has given us all the ability to choose. You can choose what is important to you.

I found religion as a very young man, but went away from it as I entered my teens. God never left me, I left him. About ten years ago, I realized that I wanted to live a life that I could be proud of who I was, and that my family would be proud of who I was. I took that step, and at the end of this time, I realized that I truly had a revelation. God had lead me to this step, and I was open to His word. I spent day and night living the life. All that I have said until this point brings me to this step.

We can choose to live our lives according to what the Bible says, and look at ourselves and our fellow man how God does, as good men and women, with love in our hearts, or we can choose to look at only the material. Ladies and Gentlemen, when I made the choice to follow Jesus’ example, and live my life the way that he did, all the hate that had been a part of who I was disappeared.

I am not perfect, but I can honestly say that I do love my fellow man, and judge them according to how I wish to be judged, by what we do in our daily lives. One does not have to do what I did, but I do believe that in loving your fellow man, you will become fishers of men, and bring His word to all mankind, loving all who you come across.

I happen to be Christian, but this is not a push for a particular religion, but more a push to faith. God loves all his children, and we can too. So, I ask that you judge your men and women by what is inside of them, not by what they do for a living, or how much money they make. In the long run, we will all be better for it.