A lot of consumers fall in to deep credit card debt right after Christmas. No one can really blame them because indeed, it is easy to lose control in the midst of the crazy holiday's shopping. However, being stuck in debt is a credit card blunder that can cause financial ruin if not rectified early on. But consumers don't have to end this way if they know how to handle their Christmas shopping. Using the right ways to use credit cards this Christmas, consumers can have a wonderful time without the debt.
Shopping at Sales
One way to save money during shopping is by buying items at a discount. During Christmas season, sales and discounts are plenty and this is the right time to buy all the gifts they'll going to give. Sales can be found in the malls, garage sales, thrift shops, and even online.
Setting a Budget
If there is one thing that should be clear during Christmas shopping that is the budget.People must determine early on how much will they be willing to spend on each present. This may depend on the kind of presents they have in mind. Some may come cheap and some expensive. But regardless, people must list everyone that needs gifting and they should write the amount of the corresponding gift.
During shopping, they must stick to their budget and avoid charging unnecessary things. This will cause impulse buying and they would end up regretting this shopping crime later on. By sticking to the list people don't lose the discipline and will to keep away from debt.
Redeeming Points
If a consumer has diligently earned points throughout the year, Christmas would be a good time to redeem them. This can tremendously help in saving for Christmas presents because the rewards may give gift certificates or discounted shopping at select stores. Gift certificates can mean free shopping. In this case no credit cards will be involved thereby saving a consumer from debt. In some cases, prizes can be in forms of items. The consumer has a choice to whether gift the item or save it for himself. Either way, he won't have to use his credit cards to buy gifts.
After the holidays, even if a consumer managed to escape the troubles of deep debt, he would still accumulate some debt from his other charges. The best way to get out of this fast is by paying on time and in bigger amounts. This shall finish off the debt in a short span of time.
Sean Teahan co-founder of Cash Doctors,Australia's preferred short term lender, shares his insights on money matters. Founded in 2005 Cash Doctors has helped thousands of Australians with their fast cash loans but that's just the short term solution. Cash Doctors also help people in the long run by providing budgeting tools, e-books and individually researched articles on money matters and financial tips. The aim is to assist people in achieving instant and long term financial freedom.
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/credit-articles/the-right-ways-to-use-credit-cards-this-christmas-3697302.html
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