Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Building a Better U - The Power of Forgiveness

During this season of giving, why don't you give yourself one of the most valuable gifts you could ever get... The power of forgiveness! Today, we will discuss how forgiving others can go a long way in helping you set yourself free...
Join Craig DeLuz for Building a Better U (BABU) Radio, where he provides advice to help you address the issues and challenges you face in everyday life. Family, Relationships, Business, Health... you name it. Call in to our live show or email us at and we will answer your questions live on the show.
CLICK HERE to listen in at 5:00 pm (PST)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Building a Better U - Sleeping with the Enemy?

When you argue with you spouse do you feel like you are at war?

How do yo handle conflict in your relationship? Do you have reasonable disagreements or do you have knockdown drag out fights? In this episode we are going to talk about how to have constructive conflict that will build your relationship up instead of tearing it down.

Join Craig DeLuz for Building a Better U (BABU) Radio, where he provides advice to help you address the issues and challenges you face in everyday life. Family, Relationships, Business Health... you name it. Call in to our live show at (347) 826-9116 or email us at and we will answer your questions live on the show.

CLICK HERE to listen.