Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Building a Better U - Facebook Etiquette

Are you one of those folks who put people's personal business on their Facebook wall? Do you tag folks in photos when they are looking all tore up? Are the only messages, notes or posts you put on Facebook focussed on promoting yourself and your newest business venture? If any of these descriptions fit you, then you need to listen in as we discuss the do's and don'ts of healthy Facebook interactions.


Join Craig DeLuz for Building a Better U (BABU) Radio, where he provides advice to help you address the issues and challenges you face in everyday life. Family, Relationships, Business Health... you name it. Call in to our live show at (347) 826-9116 or email us at and we will answer your questions live on the show.

Building a Better U - Facebook Etiquette

1 comment:

  1. Here's a couple that are a little confusing. People who post their personal business, then get upset when someone comments on it??? And this one is mainly for us women. Posting Christian quotes sayings, advice however, for your profile pic you've dressed or posed a little too sexy with things popping out. Are we sending mixed messages???
